The celebrations are over. The quiet of January is deafening. The sun is hidden more days than not. The cold weather makes us want to hibernate. During the winter, it is not unusual for people to struggle with depression and anxiety. Some of the symptoms are low mood, loss of interest, or low energy, poor appetite or overeating, difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much, agitation or irritability, trouble concentrating or staying focused, and feeling hopeless or thoughts of suicide. It is important to take care of your mental health. Here are some ways to stay healthy this winter.

Reset time. Have a night time routine. Light a candle, wash away the day, slip on your comfy pajamas. Pray or meditate. Limit your screen time. Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep.

Get moving. Walking outdoors and breathing the fresh air helps with mood. Focus on your breathing as you walk. Look around at nature. Dancing and learning the new dance challenges can also be fun.

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Add lemon, limes, oranges, or cucumber for flavor. Don’t forget to moisturize your skin. Use scented lotions or add essential oils. Your skin will thank you this spring.

Go out. Visit or go out with family or friends. Go to local events. If you like snow, go sledding on a snow day. Sledding is not just for kids.

Do something. Learn something new or start a new hobby. Read that book you have been putting off. Volunteer your time or talents. Do whatever that brings you joy.

Clean out. Get rid of toxic people in your life. Set boundaries. Clean out clothes that no longer make you feel good. Give it to charity so that it can serve someone else. If someone or something is draining you, it is time to get rid of it.

Pamper time. Polish your nails, wear something that makes you feel good, or wear lipstick. When we look good, we feel good.

Just laugh. Watch your favorite sit-com or comedian. Look at funny videos. Laughter is a good medicine.